

Strategy. Messaging. Stakeholder management. We do it all.

Unraveling the complex workings of an organisation or a project and identifying a meaningful strategy for corporate positioning, translating it into a narrative or memorable set of key messages has been the ‘secret sauce’ behind many of our award-winning campaigns. Messaging and storytelling are always at the heart of what we do.

We distill issues and processes by drilling down into the details while also looking at the bigger picture, and we combine this with our knowledge about what motivates different audiences, and why the right choice of words and images can propel an organisation forward.

We also thrive off of relations - investor relations, stakeholder relations, government relations and community relations.

When it comes to a crisis - most are the result of unmanaged, or ineffectively managed, issues. We provide scenario planning, strategy development and hands-on implementation to make sure that doesn't happen to our clients and their organisations.

We specialise in strategies for communicating powerfully and confidently with internal and external stakeholders, including the media.

And we love identifying opportunities for corporate social responsibility as well as showcasing organisations doing it well.